Designing a product page in WooCommerce - what you need to consider
.... This can encourage customers to buy more items and increase sales. Most page builders such as Elementor or Divi already have corresponding design widgets integrated.
What information for a website offer
Once your agency or web developer has this information, they can create a detailed quote that includes the price and timeframe for implementation....
5 Requirements for an interface between enterprise resource planning and WooCommerce
...Your WooCommerce store and inventory management system can vary greatly, so the interface must be flexible and adapt to the .
Software as a Service - Evolution of Business Software
The uniform software versions - regardless of the device with which the application is used - facilitate the ....
Search Engine Advertising SEA with Google for WordPress & WooCommerce
Seminars for your success Search engine advertising SEA for WordPress & WooCommerce with Google Ads Search engine advertising, also known as SEA, is a key area of online marketing. SEA makes it possible to increase business success through paid advertising, marketing measures in search engines and related platforms.Urs Scheufele: Seminar leader and lecturer Search engine advertising SEA with Google for WordPress & WooCommerce Date [...]
Search Engine Optimization SEO for WordPress & WooCommerce
How do search engines work?
The most important search engines
SEO definition and conceptual basics
URL schemes
HTTP status codes for search engines
the GOOGLE pagerank
Types of search queries
SEO requirements
Which areas can be optimized?
Optimization of the content
Internal and external linking
Strategies to be at the top of the rankings in the long term
Basic rules for the information architecture
Mobile SEO measures
Technical SEO measures
Onpage SEO optimizations
Offpage optimizations
Analysis tools for mobile, technical, onpage, offpage
Checklists for a WordPress / WooCommerce project
Working with important WordPress tools: WPOptimize, Yoast, Onsite Tracker