Backup strategy for your website
...Incremental means that the files that are new since the last backup are backed up. Differential means that files are backed up that have changed since the...
Search Engine Advertising SEA with Google for WordPress & WooCommerce
Seminars for your success Search engine advertising SEA for WordPress & WooCommerce with Google Ads Search engine advertising, also known as SEA, is a key area of online marketing. SEA makes it possible to increase business success through paid advertising, marketing measures in search engines and related platforms.Urs Scheufele: Seminar leader and lecturer Search engine advertising SEA with Google for WordPress & WooCommerce Date [...]
Search Engine Optimization SEO for WordPress & WooCommerce
How do search engines work?
The most important search engines
SEO definition and conceptual basics
URL schemes
HTTP status codes for search engines
the GOOGLE pagerank
Types of search queries
SEO requirements
Which areas can be optimized?
Optimization of the content
Internal and external linking
Strategies to be at the top of the rankings in the long term
Basic rules for the information architecture
Mobile SEO measures
Technical SEO measures
Onpage SEO optimizations
Offpage optimizations
Analysis tools for mobile, technical, onpage, offpage
Checklists for a WordPress / WooCommerce project
Working with important WordPress tools: WPOptimize, Yoast, Onsite Tracker
WordPress for web developers
Seminar WordPress for Developers Basics In this WordPress for Developers course, you will learn how to parameterize and set up WordPress from a developer's perspective. You will discover the most important developer frameworks such as ToolSet, Bootstrap, Elementor and the developer themes such as Astra, GeneratePress or Elementor-Theme, as well as their specific application possibilities. You will create theme files, edit the configuration files, create pages and learn the [...]
WordPress for administrators
Seminar WordPress for Administrators Basics WordPress is a dynamic publishing system or rather content management system based on open source. It offers its users the possibility to create and change content directly via the Internet user interface. As the instructor of this seminar, my participants will discover the tasks and possibilities for the professional administrator. Urs Scheufele: Seminar leader and lecturer for WordPress [...]
Basics HTML5.X and CSS3
Seminar Basics HTML5.x and CSS3 Static websites are not programmed, but written in the HTML5 markup language. Text passages are declared using so-called HTML tags. Learn the basic technology of the Internet. Urs Scheufele: Seminar leader and lecturer for HTML5.x and CSS3 basics Request date Description HTML5 is an essential building block of knowledge for a sound introduction to web development. Since HTML and [...]