
Criteria for a successful online shop

Online retailers should make sure that all contact information is easy to find and ...

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In the age of digitalization, retail has changed a lot. While many retailers are fighting for their existence, online shops are becoming more popular and successful. Most people now prefer to shop conveniently on the internet. Competent advice from a specialist is no longer as important, as you can find enough information on most topics on the Internet. If you want to build a profitable online shop, you should consider some factors. In this article you will learn what these are.

An online shop must be serious

One problem that many online retailers have is that their customers abandon the buying process even before completing the purchase. This bounce rate is also called the bounce rate. Successful retailers are constantly trying to optimize their online store to keep this rate as low as possible. The reasons why potential buyers abandon the purchase process early are quite diverse.

One of the most important factors here, however, is that no one buys from an online shop if they don't think it is reputable. Whether a consumer considers an online shop to be reputable depends on several criteria. On the one hand, it is important that a wide range of payment options is available. In addition, the shipping conditions must be suitable and there must be reviews from other buyers. Various seals of approval and a good reputation also give an online shop a certain degree of respectability.

An online shop must be user-friendly

Online retailers should put a lot of emphasis on making sure that their online shop is user-friendly. If the design is outdated or the navigation is too complicated, many consumers quickly switch to the competition. After all, this is only a few clicks away. An appealing design and an easily understandable navigation structure are essential for every online shop.

User-friendly shops also have a good search function so that customers can quickly navigate to the desired items. It is equally important that customers do not have to go through an arduous registration form. This problem can be solved perfectly with guest orders.

An online shop must be technically up to date

Germans spend an average of more than 1,000 euros a year on online shopping. Many consumers use a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet for this purpose. Many online stores now have their own apps, which customers can use to store even more conveniently. If an online store is not optimized for mobile devices, this usually means that a lot of potential customers leave the store again immediately. The trend clearly shows that the number of smartphone shoppers is growing all the time and that laptops and desktop PCs will be used less and less for shopping on the Internet in the future.

Successful online shops have excellent customer service

Many consumers really appreciate it when online shops have excellent customer service and are easy to reach at any time. Moreover, customer service serves to bind customers to the shop and turn buyers into regular customers.

Online retailers should make sure that all contact information is easy to find and that contact requests are responded to quickly. For the problems of the consumers, the customer service must have quick and uncomplicated solutions ready. Especially during business hours, the online shop should be available for customers via email or phone.

Since most customer problems occur again and again, a so-called FAQ should be available. This way, consumers can get answers to their questions without having to contact the shop. A customer-oriented service improves the buying experience and satisfied customers may become regular customers.

Ensure an optimal range of goods

A sales table with yellow bananas at a fruit market!

Photo: - nuid fumzur

Online retailers have to adapt their assortment to their respective target group. If a potential customer can't find what he's looking for, he usually won't buy anything either and will look around at the competition. Operators of online shops have to decide how they want to appear on the Internet. An online shop that has almost exclusively expensive premium products in its range should not suddenly start including cheap products in its range.

To decide which products belong in the assortment, online retailers can use modern marketing tools such as Blackbee. Merchants thus always have their market segment in view and also see which products the competition offers. Thanks to such modern tools, online retailers can quickly see when the market is changing. This is important in order to react quickly to these changes and thus gain a competitive advantage.

Optimized for search engines (SEO)

The topic of SEO is enormously important for online retailers. To successfully attract many customers to the shop, it helps to be at the top of the search results. Important for SEO is the on-page optimization. To improve this, online merchants need to provide valuable content to their customers. Valuable content is information that solves customers' problems or answers questions accurately.

Equally important to get a good ranking from Google and Co is the off-page optimization. Backlinks are the most important factor for this. Backlinks are links on other websites that refer to your own. To generate such backlinks organically, online merchants must provide interesting content and network with other merchants and bloggers. Search engines recognize whether a website is trustworthy based on the backlink structure. However, online retailers should not make the mistake of simply buying these links. Search engines now recognize such things quite quickly and kick the corresponding pages out of the index.


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